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14 way to get money with Bounties Amazon

Hello friends, of course you are familiar with Amazon, Amazon is a site that is very popular in the online affiliate. Besides, native shopping ads programs, you can also earn money with bounties programs, here are 14 Amazon bounties programs that can make money :

1. Create Amazon Business Account
Earn $15.00 for a successful registration of an Amazon Business account

It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a free account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.

2. Try Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial
$3 bounty for every qualifying free trial sign up you drive on the Amazon Music landing page

Listen to tens of millions of songs on any device anywhere, available for both Prime and Non-Prime members. For every qualifying free trial sign-up you drive, you will earn $3.

3. Try Amazon Home Services
$3 for new Customers ordering from Amazon Home Services

Earn a fixed advertising fee (bounty) when your visitors order their first home service through Amazon's Home Services marketplace.

Amazon Home Services offers customers over a thousand different services from quality, hand-picked pros and backed by Amazon's Happiness Guarantee. Top services available for Customers to purchase include: *House Cleaning *TV Wall Mounting *Smart Home Device Installation *Equipment and Furniture Assembly *Plumbing and Electrical *Handyman
*House Painting

4. Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans
Earn bounty for every prepaid membership plan purchase you drive.

Kindle Unlimited 6, 12 and 24-month membership plans. Earn bounty for every prepaid membership plan purchase you drive.

*Unlimited reading from over 1 million ebooks
*Unlimited listening to thousands of audiobooks
*Read on any device
*Membership plans are also giftable

5. Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial

$3 for 30-day Free Trials

Earn a fixed advertising fee when your visitors sign up for Amazon Prime 30-day Free Trials.
Our membership program offers special benefits including:
* Instantly watch thousands of movies and TV episodes
* Borrow Kindle books
* Get unlimited FREE two-day shipping (no minimum order size)

6. Create an Amazon Wedding Registry

Earn $3 bounty when a visitor from your site creates a registry on Amazon.

Earn a fixed advertising fee for every Wedding Registry creation you drive to Brides and grooms will receive the following key benefits:
*Up to 20% completion gift off most products on Amazon
*World's largest selection, plus Amazon's reliable fast shipping and world class customer service
*It's universal - add items from other websites with the universal button
* Fast, free shipping - Free shipping on orders over $25 or fast, FREE delivery on millions of items with Prime.

7. Join Amazon Family 30-Day Free Trial
$3 for 30-day Free Trials

Earn a fixed advertising fee for visitors you get to sign up for Amazon Family 30-day Free Trials.

Our membership program offers special benefits including:
*Save 20% on diapers subscriptions
*Exclusive Coupons and Deals from Amazon Family
*Exclusive Baby Registry benefits
*FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items
*Unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows
*Unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs and more Prime benefits

8. Join Amazon Prime Music - The Only Music Streaming Service with Free 2-day Shipping - 30-day Free Trial
$3 for 30-day Free Trials

Earn a fixed advertising fee for visitors you get to sign up for Amazon Prime Music 30-day Free Trials. Our membership program offers special benefits including:
*Unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs
*Instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows
*FREE two-day shipping (no minimum order size)
*Borrow Kindle books

9. Join Amazon Prime - Watch Thousands of Movies & TV Shows Anytime - Start Free Trial Now
$3 for 30-Day Free Trials

Earn a fixed advertising fee for visitors you get to sign up for Amazon Prime Video 30-day Free Trials.
Our membership program offers special benefits for just $99 per year:
*Unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows
*FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items
*Unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs and more Prime benefits

10. Prime Student 6-month Trial
Earn $3 bounty for every qualifying trial signup you drive

Earn a fixed advertising fee every qualifying 6-month trial signup you drive to Prime Student. Our membership program offers special benefits to college students including:
* Unlimited FREE Two-Day Shipping (with no minimum order size)
* Exclusive deals and promotions for college students 

11.  Shop Amazon - Create an Amazon Baby Registry
$3 when a visitor creates a registry

Earn a fixed advertising fee for visitors you get to create a Baby Registry at
* Everything you need
* Discounts
* Extended return period
* Add from any website

12. - Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices
$3 for the new signup of the FREE Kindle Reading App.

Earn a fixed advertising fee for every new signup on the Kindle Cloud Reader ( on the desktop and Kindle reading app on the mobile devices
The FREE Kindle Reading App lets your visitors read their favorite books on most devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc.), creating an opportunity to increase your eBook earnings as well.

13. Shop Amazon - Contract Cell Phones & Service Plans
$25 for cell phone purchase with a service plan

Earn a fixed bounty amount instead of advertising fees when your visitors purchase a qualifying cell phone with a wireless service plan.

14.Give the Gift of Amazon Prime
Earn bounty for every purchase you drive of the Amazon Prime Gift Membership

Earn a fixed advertising fee (bounty) for every Gift of Prime 3-month or 12-month membership plan you drive. Perfect as last minute gifts or for those who have it all. Some key Prime benefits:
* FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items
* No minimum order size
* Instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows
* Unlimited, ad-free access to over a million songs and hundreds of playlists

To get money from Amazon Bounties you must join to become an Amazon affiliate and promote Amazon products. Amazon bounties program,  you can share on your site or on your social network.



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