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BIDIKMISI adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan bagi calon mahasiswa tidak mampu secara ekonomi dan memiliki potensi akademik baik untuk menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi pada program studi unggulan sampai lulus tepat waktu.

Situs resmi beasiswa Bidikmisi: 


LPDP is committed to preparing Indonesian future leaders and professionals through scholarships and encouraging research innovation through research funding.  LPDP continues to move towards an organization with high competitiveness, not only on a local scale, but also on a regional and even international scale.

Beasiswa LPDP :

Beasiswa Unggulan

Program Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (BPI Kemendikbudristek) adalah program beasiswa Pemerintah Indonesia yang dikelola oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi melalui pendanaan dari Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan.

Situs resmi beasiswa Unggulan Kemendikbudristek: 

Beasiswa Kemenag RI

Beasiswa Indonesia Bangkit (BIB)  merupakan skema beasiswa prestisius kolaborasi antara Kementerian Agama dan LPDP Kementerian Keuangan  Republik Indonesia untuk masyarakat Indonesia yang ingin mengembangakan karier, pengalaman, dan jaringan kampus di dalam dan luar negeri. Melalui program gelar (degree program) maupun program non-gelar (non-degree program), Beasiswa Indonesia Bangkit berkomitmen untuk menyiapkan pemimpin, pendidik, dan profesional masa depan serta mendorong inovasi demi terwujudnya Indonesia yang rukun dan harmonis. Beasiswa Indonesia Bangkit terus bergerak menuju kualitas sumber daya manusia yang memiliki daya saing tinggi, bukan hanya pada skala lokal, namun juga skala regional bahkan internasional.

Situs resmi beasiswa Kemenag: 

Beasiswa Santri Berprestasi (PBSB)

Program Beasiswa Santri Berprestasi yang selanjutnya disingkat PBSB adalah program kolaborasi Kementerian Agama dengan Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) Kementerian Keuangan berupa pengelolaan dan pendanaan beasiswa gelar yang bersumber dari Dana Abadi Pesantren bagi santri lulusan Pondok Pesantren, Dayah, Surau, Meunasah, atau sebutan lain yang unggul, kompetitif serta memiliki potensi akademik yang baik untuk jenjang pendidikan tinggi.

Situs resmi beasiswa PBSB:

Beasiswa Dikti

Beasiswa Pendidikan Dosen merupakan komitmen pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia melalui pemberian beasiswa bagi dosen untuk menempuh pendidikan Magister dan Doktor di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi bereputasi di dunia menuju Indonesia Maju.

Situs resmi beasiswa Dikti:

Djarum Beasiswa Plus

Djarum Foundation turut berperan aktif dalam memajukan pendidikan di Indonesia melalui program beasiswa prestasi (merit based scholarship) yang dikenal sebagai Djarum Beasiswa Plus bagi mahasiswa berprestasi tinggi di Indonesia.Yang membedakan Djarum Beasiswa Plus dengan program beasiswa lain adalah, selain mendapatkan dana beasiswa selama satu tahun, Beswan Djarum (sebutan bagi penerima program Djarum Beasiswa Plus) juga mendapatkan berbagai macam pelatihan ketrampilan lunak atau soft skills guna mempersiapkan mereka menjadi calon pemimpin masa depan bangsa. Pelatihan ini meliputi Nation Building, Character Building, Leadership Development, Competition Challenges, serta International Exposure. Tidak hanya berhenti sampai di sini, melalui program Community Empowerment, Beswan Djarum juga diberikan kesempatan untuk menerapkan berbagai ketrampilan lunak yang telah diperoleh dengan melibatkan diri secara langsung dalam memberikan jalan keluar pada suatu permasalahan sosial di lingkungan tempat mereka berada.

Situs resmi beasiswa Djarum:



The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is the bi-national Fulbright Commission for Indonesia. For thirty years, we have carried forward the vision and mission of the Fulbright program in Indonesia, which in 2022 celebrated its 70th anniversary. AMINEF’s many programs for educational exchange have increased mutual understanding between the United States and Indonesia and strengthened the ties that unite our two countries. Since 1952, 3,305 Indonesians and 1,375 Americans have participated in exchanges. Approximately 80 percent of the Indonesians received graduate degrees at the masters or doctoral levels from American universities. The remaining 20 percent participated in non-degree exchanges administered by AMINEF.

website :

Erasmus +

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion. This is nearly double the funding compared to its predecessor programme (2014-2020).
The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.

Website :


The DAAD is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond simply awarding grants and scholarships. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of German universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad, assists developing countries in establishing effective universities and advises decision makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy. 

Its budget is derived mainly from the federal funding for various ministries, primarily the German Federal Foreign Office, but also from the European Union and a number of enterprises, organisations and foreign governments.

Website :


Chevening is the UK government’s international scholarships and fellowships programme.We’ll nurture confidence in your ideas and give you the education, network, and conviction to bring those ideas to fruition. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and partner organisations, we offer individuals who show potential to inspire, inform, and influence positive change the opportunity to study at a UK university to gain a UK educational qualification.
Chevening Scholars study subjects in almost any field, and go on to implement their ideas for positive change in a range of sectors.
Chevening Fellowships offer mid-senior level professionals the opportunity to undertake specialised short courses or research placements at UK universities and institutions.

webiste :

Australia Awards

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders from developing countries for study, research and professional development in Australia and the region so they can return home and contribute to their nations’ development, prosperity and resilience. 

Website :



EdX – Best Overall

edX is the online learning platform from world-leading digital education company 2U, Inc.
edX was founded by Harvard and MIT as an experiment to make the world’s best education available to everyone. Today, as part of 2U, edX connects over 78 million people worldwide with online learning that delivers real professional progress across nearly every career discipline, from artificial intelligence and robotics to sustainability and public health. Together with universities and organizations at the forefront of their fields, edX offers thousands of job-relevant programs designed to give every ambitious learner a path to achievement. Website :

Coursera – Best Language Variety

Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs.Website :

FutureLearn – Best for STEM Courses

Learn anything. From healthcare and history to coding and languages, FutureLearn has a course for you, from beginner to expert.Website :

Codecademy – Best for Coding Courses

When we started Codecademy, our goal was to give anyone in the world the ability to learn the skills they’d need to succeed in the 21st century. We set out to create a new, interactive way of learning — making it engaging, flexible, and accessible for as many people as possible. Since then, we have helped millions of people worldwide unlock modern technical skills and reach their full potential through code. Website :

Udacity – Best for IT Courses

We turn talent into greatness.
Udacity is the trusted market leader in talent transformation.
We change lives, businesses, and nations through digital upskilling, developing the edge you need to conquer what’s next.Website :

Memrise – Best for Foreign Language Courses

Memrise was founded by Ed Cooke, Ben Whately and Greg Detre, three friends who met while studying neuroscience and psychology at Oxford.
They were united by a fascination with the way humans learn and a determination to use technology to help people learn more effectively. Website :

Udemy – Best for Business Courses

Improving lives through learning. 
Whether you want to learn or to share what you know, you’ve come to the right place. As a global destination for online learning, we empower organizations and individuals with flexible and effective skill development. Website :


1.Sertifikasi IT Google Profesional ( Website : )

2. Sertifikasi IT Amazon AWS ( Website : )

3. Sertifikasi IT Microsoft ,  ( Website : )


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Forum Blogger Indonesia di Telegram

Halo sobat blogger di Indonesia... Sebagai seorang blogger , tentu kita harus memiliki rekan sesama blogger. Dimana kita bisa saling berbagi ilmu di Dunia Blogging. Sobat Blogger... Jika kamu memiliki blog dan website. Ayo gabung di komunitas blogger indonesia di telegram , boleh berbagi Artikel, cerita blogging, meningkatkan earning dan berbagi ilmu di dunia maya. Maka , sobat tidak perlu ragu langsung saja gabung Welcome 😃 Please invite your friends to join us using:👤 Kamu boleh berbagi tulisan km yang terbaru , dan berbagi informasi dunia internet.

Penggunaan has, have dan Had dalam bahasa Inggris

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