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The Best Symantec Norton Security Deluxe – 5 Devices – 1 Year Subscription [PC/Mac/Mobile Key Card]

Symantec Norton Security Deluxe – 5 Devices – 1 Year Subscription [PC/Mac/Mobile Key Card]

- Norton Security Deluxe secures up to 5 PCs, Macs, iOS & Android devices. A physical activation key code will be mailed to you (select ‘PC/Mac Download’ option for instant download of activation code)

- Antivirus is included, and your protection is always up to date to defend against spyware, malware, and unsafe websites, while safeguarding your identity and online transactions

- Norton consistently outperforms the competition in independent, head to head tests; Winner of AV TEST’s coveted Best Protection Award and 39 time winner of PC Magazine Editor’s Choice Award
Please note that if you have an existing Norton subscription, your old subscription days do not get added to this new subscription, so it’s best to activate your new subscription when the old one is about to expire

-Installs in minutes, rated highest in usability, includes unlimited 24/7 access to a Norton technician, and offers a 100% guarantee that helps keep you virus free or your money back

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Top Review on amazon

A "privacy protector" that violates your privacy (and doesn't want you to read its privacy agreement)
October 17, 2017

Reasons you don't want this product:
1) The privacy agreement is a joke. After bragging about how they protect your privacy, the agreement actually says they can send you junk email, telemarket to you, and give your personal info away to their "partners", which of course means anybody that they want.
2) The product won't install unless you're on the internet, which of course means you are vulnerable while you are installing it. (Yes, that's inherent in ANY product that is downloaded from the internet, but Norton could send a CD with a basic version that you could install while off the internet and then update on the internet.) Just the time that you need in order to read the lengthy licensing and privacy agreements means that you are vulnerable for about an hour or more!
3) When you uncheck a box (to say that you don't want something, such as advercrapping), Norton re-clicks the box to turn back on whatever you didn't want.
4) The license agreement (like most companies' license agreements) is long and designed to prevent you from reading it.
5) The process turns on auto-renew by default, and semi-hides the way to turn it off. Disgusted by the product? Norton still wants you to pay for it forever.
6) Norton requires you to waive your right to sue them in a class action suit. (You can arbitrate, but Norton chooses the arbitrator, and of course they only choose arbitrators who are extremely unlikely to rule against them.) (What have they done wrong that makes them want to prevent you from suing them to address the problem? You only need these clauses if you've done something wrong.)
7) The Privacy policy is designed so that you can't take a "snapshot" of the whole thing for future reference (e.g. to see what they've changed behind your back).
8) You can't block updates (e.g. if Norton slips in some new advercrapping feature, and you decide that you don't want it, you can't block it -- that would be a violation of your contract).
9) Norton wants your phone number so they can telemarket to you (probably about their latest "privacy" features ;-) ).
10) Norton requires your email address, and requires you to accept their "spam".
11) If you actually try to read all the legal agreements, (e.g. the end-user license), Norton punishes you by logging you out. They REALLY don't want you to know what you are signing.

I would have given this product one star, but I know that some of Norton's competitors are almost as sleazy, so I need to leave room for an even lower rating in case I find an even sleazier product in this market segment.

Yes, some other companies have similarly bad practices, but that's no excuse. When the anti-virus company is trying to screw you just like every other company is trying to screw you, the situation is bad indeed.

Product Description

Norton Security Deluxe helps shield your devices against cybercriminals and scammers while you surf, bank, socialize and shop online. When you go online, your devices are susceptible to threats, such as ransomware that holds your files hostage, or spyware that captures your passwords. Norton Security Deluxe is designed to recognize and block those threats before they get to you— helping protect your private and financial information. Help protect up to five devices with a single subscription. If your devices get a virus we can’t remove, you get your money back.


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