
Free Way make money from blog

Hello Guys ...
do you like writting ? I want to tell you the way make money from your blog.
Yes, me too.

I'm using this blog to search money online. you can create a blog free...
And then.. Register your blog in google Adsense.

Step 1. Create a gmail

Gmail is a elektronik message from internet. you can use your gmail to create a blog in blogger.com
visit gmail.com to create gmail.

step 2. Create a blog

And then make a blog , you can writting about your hobby and your passion. Because , if you write something that you like, is easy. 
visit blogger.com to create a blog.

Step 3. Register on Google Adsense

use your time with writting and share good topic. The way get money is better if you like that... I know it's not easy but you can try it.

thank you....