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The Best Microsoft OEM Windows 10 Home, 64-Bit, 1-Pack, DVD

Microsoft OEM Windows 10 Home, 64-Bit, 1-Pack, DVD 

- The Start menu is back and better than ever so you can expand and customize it

- Fast and responsive Technologies like InstantGo let you boot up and resume quickly;Video Game Platform:PC

- Windows 10 comes with apps that work across your devices - Photos, Maps, Music Video and more

- Windows 10 OEM is a full version of the operating system not an upgrade The OEM operating system is not supported by Microsoft To acquire Windows software with support provided by Microsoft please see our full package "Retail" product Microsoft recommends all files and programs be backed-up prior to installation

- Windows 10 OEM is intended for pre-installation on a new PC and cannot be transferred to another computer once installed Product ships in a white envelope

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Top Review Custemer

You will get pirated software
January 28, 2017

I was building my first computer and bought this along with all the component parts. It took five days to arrive and I was very excited. I spent most of the day building the pc and then tried to install windows.

Everything was fine until I had to activate windows. The key printed on the envelope was not being accepted. I called customer service and was passed back and forth until I spoke to senior Microsoft tech support. The person I talked to, a guy who said his name was Brian Ryan, said that he was 150% certain I had purchased a pirated product. I asked him how Microsoft could permit pirated products to be sold on such a well known website. He had no explanation but said he constantly gets calls from amazon customers who received pirated micrisoft products.

I offered to email him proof I purchased the software but he said they did not have the ability to access email. How ridiculous is it that a major software company doesn't even give it's employees email accounts. I also told him I was a long term Microsoft customer with an xbox live subscription going back 7 years. He said it didn't matter and there was nothing he was willing to do. The product was pirated and that is the bottom line.

I told him I was going to write a review to inform people amazon sells pirated windows software. He indicated that was a good idea. So there you go, I guess this poor review has Microsoft's seal of approval. Whatever you do don't buy this from amazon.

Product description

Windows Home 10 64 bit English 1 pack DSP DVD. Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, you'll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus we'll bring over your pinned apps and favorites so they're ready and waiting for you. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have. Windows 10 comes with Microsoft Edge, an all-new browser that's built to give you a better web experience. Write2 or type notes directly on webpages and share them with others, read online articles free of distraction, and save your favorite reads for later access. And with Cortana3 enabled, you get instant access to key actions-like making reservations or reading reviews-without leaving the page you're on. Easily snap up to four apps in place and see all open tasks in a single view. You can even create virtual desktops when you need more space or want to group things by project. Windows 10 enables your apps to look and work great in all modes, on all devices. On 2-in-1 devices, your screen can be optimized to work with touch or keyboard and mouse. Requirements Required processor 1GHz processor or faster, Required memory 1GB RAM for 32-bit; 2GB for 64-bit, Required hard disk space Up to 20GB available hard disk space, Required video card 800 x 600 screen resolution or higher. DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver, Required connectivity Internet access (fees may apply), Other system requirements Microsoft account required for some features. Watching DVDs requires separate playback software, Additional system requirements You must accept the enclosed License Terms, also at Activation required  Single license  32 & 64-bits on USB 3.0 media included.

Where is my Product Key or Serial Number?

This depends on the product you ordered. The product key is often located on your Certificate of Authenticity label. Other likely locations are on the lower right corner of the CD sleeve, under the flap of the CD sleeve, on the back of the DVD case or on a separate card included in the packaging. Product Keys and Serial Numbers are unique and cannot be replaced if lost.

Best sellers software number #1 on amazon 
This software very popular and most sold out.


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