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The Best Learn Spanish: Rosetta Stone Bonus Pack Bundle (Lifetime Online Access + Grammar Guide and Dictionary Book Set)

Learn Spanish: Rosetta Stone Bonus Pack Bundle (Lifetime Online Access + Grammar Guide and Dictionary Book Set)

- Everything you need to learn Spanish in one box!

- Rosetta Stone lifetime subscription- access our award-winning program from the cloud. It syncs across desktop, mobile, and tablet for convenient learning

- Barron’s grammar Guide- learn essential grammar tips, such as verb agreements and sentence structure

- Barron’s Dictionary- look up important definitions from this trusted source
Lifetime of the Product — This “Lifetime” product will be supported for its life, meaning as long as Rosetta Stone makes the product available. A lifetime subscription is for an individual user and cannot be transferred to another person

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Top Review on amazon

Not worth the hassle and poor customer service

April 16, 2019

I have purchased the Rosetta Stone program multiple times for multiple languages over 6 years. There are way better programs to start off with. The biggest problem is their customer service, with whom I was just in a chat session (again), trying to get access to the Rosetta Stone program, I paid for. I get locked out often. They will claim you are logged in on other devices when you are not (part of their cloud platform). If you purchase their local program edition, plan to call them after every time Windows does a significant update. They will want to you re-active or buy the program again claiming it is installed on other computers. Then customer service complains even after you explain you just had a Windows update and it is the same computer. I have extensive experience with the program. They do not teach grammar. For most people, you will have to use Google Translate and other programs to learn what they are trying to teach you. Then the program, when it works is great for reinforcement and repetition. I have used a number of programs. Below is a list of my recommendations.

Duolingo is by far the best program to start out with. Just started using it 9 month ago - and its free. There are paid options, some of which I have purchased.

Babble is the next best, especially if you are really dedicated and want to learn fast. ( I have used it for about 3 years.)

Mondly is a waist of money. It has a cool mixed reality feature, but it is not a great learning tool. (Have a lifetime subscription because it was cheep.)

Primsler is a waist of money. Their philosophy is unique and totally self-serving. (I only purchased the begging set before knowing this is a waist of money.)

Barron's is good for reference.

I have studied German, Spanish, Chinese, Romanian and Japanese over the years.


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With Rosetta Stone's proven methodology, dynamic curriculum, advanced speech recognition, and access to native-speaking tutors, you'll be learning to speak the language authentically from the very first lesson.


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