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Contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan Preposition of Movement beserta artinya

Contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan Preposition of Movement beserta artinya:

1. She walked into the room. (Dia masuk ke dalam ruangan.)
2. The cat jumped onto the table. (Kucing melompat ke atas meja.)
3. He ran out of the house. (Dia berlari keluar dari rumah.)
4. They climbed up the mountain. (Mereka mendaki ke atas gunung.)
5. The bird flew over the fence. (Burung itu terbang melewati pagar.)
6. She walked along the beach. (Dia berjalan di sepanjang pantai.)
7. The dog ran towards the park. (Anjing itu berlari menuju taman.)
8. They swam across the river. (Mereka berenang menyeberangi sungai.)
9. He walked past the shop. (Dia berjalan melewati toko.)
10. She danced around the room. (Dia menari di sekitar ruangan.)
11. The car drove through the tunnel. (Mobil itu melaju melalui terowongan.)
12. They rode their bikes down the hill. (Mereka mengendarai sepeda mereka turun bukit.)
13. The plane flew above the clouds. (Pesawat itu terbang di atas awan.)
14. She skipped along the path. (Dia melompat-lompat di sepanjang jalan.)
15. He walked towards the door. (Dia berjalan menuju pintu.)
16. They jogged around the park. (Mereka jogging di sekitar taman.)
17. The ball rolled into the garden. (Bola itu berguling ke dalam taman.)
18. She jumped off the diving board. (Dia melompat dari papan selam.)
19. They cycled past the lake. (Mereka bersepeda melewati danau.)
20. The cat leaped onto the roof. (Kucing melompat ke atas atap.)
21. He stepped onto the bus. (Dia naik ke dalam bus.)
22. She walked towards the beach. (Dia berjalan menuju pantai.)
23. They swam towards the shore. (Mereka berenang menuju pantai.)
24. The bird flew towards the nest. (Burung itu terbang menuju sarang.)
25. He walked around the block. (Dia berjalan mengelilingi blok.)
26. She climbed onto the treehouse. (Dia mendaki ke rumah pohon.)
27. They ran towards the playground. (Mereka berlari menuju taman bermain.)
28. The car drove through the tunnel. (Mobil itu melaju melalui terowongan.)
29. She jumped onto the horse. (Dia melompat ke atas kuda.)
30. He walked towards the gate. (Dia berjalan menuju gerbang.)
31. They swam towards the island. (Mereka berenang menuju pulau.)
32. The cat climbed onto the roof. (Kucing itu naik ke atas atap.)
33. She ran towards the finish line. (Dia berlari menuju garis finis.)
34. They walked through the forest. (Mereka berjalan melalui hutan.)
35. He hopped onto the chair. (Dia melompat ke atas kursi.)
36. She walked towards the light. (Dia berjalan menuju cahaya.)
37. They cycled through the city. (Mereka bersepeda melalui kota.)
38. The dog jumped onto the bed. (Anjing itu melompat ke atas tempat tidur.)
39. He ran towards the sound. (Dia berlari menuju suara.)
40. She walked towards the mountain. (Dia berjalan menuju gunung.)
41. They swam towards the waterfall. (Mereka berenang menuju air terjun.)
42. The cat climbed onto the ledge. (Kucing itu memanjat ke atas tepian.)
43. He stepped onto the platform. (Dia naik ke atas platform.)
44. She walked towards the horizon. (Dia berjalan menuju cakrawala.)
45. They skated through the park. (Mereka bermain seluncur di taman.)
46. The ball bounced into the yard. (Bola itu melambung ke dalam halaman.)
47. He jogged towards the stadium. (Dia jogging menuju stadion.)
48. She climbed onto the rock. (Dia memanjat ke atas batu.)
49. They walked towards the sunset. (Mereka berjalan menuju matahari terbenam.)
50. The cat leaped onto the counter. (Kucing itu melompat ke atas meja.)
51. He ran towards the forest. (Dia berlari menuju hutan.)
52. She walked towards the river. (Dia berjalan menuju sungai.)
53. They swam towards the ship. (Mereka berenang menuju kapal.)
54. The bird flew towards the nest. (Burung itu terbang menuju sarang.)
55. He walked towards the crowd. (Dia berjalan menuju kerumunan.)
56. She danced towards the stage. (Dia menari menuju panggung.)
57. They ran towards the playground. (Mereka berlari menuju taman bermain.)
58. The cat jumped onto the fence. (Kucing itu melompat ke atas pagar.)
59. He stepped onto the bus. (Dia naik ke dalam bus.)
60. She walked towards the beach. (Dia berjalan menuju pantai.)
61. They swam towards the shore. (Mereka berenang menuju pantai.)
62. The bird flew towards the nest. (Burung itu terbang menuju sarang.)
63. He walked around the block. (Dia berjalan mengelilingi blok.)
64. She climbed onto the treehouse. (Dia mendaki ke rumah pohon.)
65. They ran towards the playground. (Mereka berlari menuju taman bermain.)
66. The cat climbed onto the roof. (Kucing itu naik ke atas atap.)
67. He walked towards the gate. (Dia berjalan menuju gerbang.)
68. She swam towards the island. (Dia berenang menuju pulau.)
69. They walked through the forest. (Mereka berjalan melalui hutan.)
70. The cat jumped onto the bed. (Kucing itu melompat ke atas tempat tidur.)
71. He ran towards the sound. (Dia berlari menuju suara.)
72. She walked towards the mountain. (Dia berjalan menuju gunung.)
73. They swam towards the waterfall. (Mereka berenang menuju air terjun.)
74. The cat climbed onto the ledge. (Kucing itu memanjat ke atas tepian.)
75. He stepped onto the platform. (Dia naik ke atas platform.)
76. She walked towards the horizon.


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Halo sobat blogger di Indonesia... Sebagai seorang blogger , tentu kita harus memiliki rekan sesama blogger. Dimana kita bisa saling berbagi ilmu di Dunia Blogging. Sobat Blogger... Jika kamu memiliki blog dan website. Ayo gabung di komunitas blogger indonesia di telegram , boleh berbagi Artikel, cerita blogging, meningkatkan earning dan berbagi ilmu di dunia maya. Maka , sobat tidak perlu ragu langsung saja gabung Welcome 😃 Please invite your friends to join us using:👤 Kamu boleh berbagi tulisan km yang terbaru , dan berbagi informasi dunia internet.

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