Berikut adalah pengertian serta 25 contoh transitive verbs dan 25 contoh intransitive verbs:
Transitive Verbs:
1. She bought a new car. (Dia membeli mobil baru.)
2. He ate the delicious cake. (Dia makan kue yang lezat.)
3. They watched a movie last night. (Mereka menonton film semalam.)
4. The cat chased the mouse. (Kucing mengejar tikus.)
5. She opened the door. (Dia membuka pintu.)
6. He drank a glass of water. (Dia minum segelas air.)
7. They built a house. (Mereka membangun sebuah rumah.)
8. She teaches English. (Dia mengajar bahasa Inggris.)
9. He fixed the broken chair. (Dia memperbaiki kursi yang rusak.)
10. They cooked dinner. (Mereka memasak makan malam.)
11. She wrote a letter to her friend. (Dia menulis surat kepada temannya.)
12. He painted the fence. (Dia mengecat pagar.)
13. They completed the project on time. (Mereka menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu.)
14. She baked cookies for the party. (Dia membakar kue kering untuk pesta.)
15. He answered the phone. (Dia menjawab telepon.)
16. They found the lost keys. (Mereka menemukan kunci yang hilang.)
17. She read the book in one sitting. (Dia membaca buku itu dalam satu duduk.)
18. He played the guitar at the concert. (Dia memainkan gitar di konser.)
19. They organized a charity event. (Mereka mengatur acara amal.)
20. She sent an email to her boss. (Dia mengirimkan email kepada bosnya.)
21. He completed the crossword puzzle. (Dia menyelesaikan teka-teki silang.)
22. They planted flowers in the garden. (Mereka menanam bunga di taman.)
23. She solved the math problem. (Dia menyelesaikan masalah matematika.)
24. He delivered the package to the customer. (Dia mengirimkan paket kepada pelanggan.)
25. They cooked breakfast for the family. (Mereka memasak sarapan untuk keluarga.)
Intransitive Verbs :
1. She slept peacefully. (Dia tidur dengan tenang.)
2. The baby cried loudly. (Bayi itu menangis keras.)
3. The sun shines brightly. (Matahari bersinar terang.)
4. He laughs at funny jokes. (Dia tertawa pada lelucon lucu.)
5. She runs every morning. (Dia berlari setiap pagi.)
6. The flowers bloomed in spring. (Bunga-bunga mekar di musim semi.)
7. The children played in the park. (Anak-anak bermain di taman.)
8. The cat jumped onto the table. (Kucing melompat ke atas meja.)
9. She danced gracefully. (Dia menari dengan anggun.)
10. The tree grew tall. (Pohon itu tumbuh tinggi.)
11. He arrived early for the meeting. (Dia tiba lebih awal untuk pertemuan.)
12. The river flows swiftly. (Sungai mengalir dengan cepat.)
13. The wind blows softly. (Angin bertiup lembut.)
14. She sighed in relief. (Dia menghela nafas lega.)
15. The coffee smells delicious. (Kopi itu berbau lezat.)
16. He talks loudly on the phone. (Dia berbicara keras di telepon.)
17. The leaves fall from the trees in autumn. (Daun-daun gugur dari pohon di musim gugur.)
18. She sings beautifully. (Dia menyanyi dengan indah.)
19. The fire burns brightly. (Api itu menyala terang.)
20. He sleeps soundly at night. (Dia tidur nyenyak di malam hari.)
21. The rain **falls** heavily. (Hujan turun dengan deras.)
22. She **swims** in the ocean. (Dia berenang di lautan.)
23. The book **lies** on the table. (Buku itu terletak di atas meja.)
24. He **rides** his bike to work. (Dia mengendarai sepedanya ke tempat kerja.)
25. The birds **fly** south for the winter. (Burung-burung terbang ke selatan untuk musim dingin.)
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