Contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris menggunakan Preposition of Quantity/Measure beserta artinya:
1. She drank a cup of coffee before work.
(Dia minum segelas kopi sebelum bekerja.)
2. He ate a slice of cake for dessert.
(Dia makan sepotong kue sebagai pencuci mulut.)
3. They planted a row of tomatoes in the garden.
(Mereka menanam satu baris tomat di kebun.)
4. She bought a bag of flour from the store.
(Dia membeli satu kantong tepung dari toko.)
5. He caught a bunch of bananas at the market.
(Dia membeli satu ikat pisang di pasar.)
6. They picked a basket of strawberries at the farm.
(Mereka memetik satu keranjang stroberi di kebun.)
7. She received a dozen eggs from the neighbor.
(Dia menerima satu lusin telur dari tetangga.)
8. He bought a pack of gum from the vending machine.
(Dia membeli satu bungkus permen karet dari mesin penjual.)
9. They collected a pile of rocks from the beach.
(Mereka mengumpulkan satu tumpukan batu dari pantai.)
10. She baked a tray of cookies for the bake sale.
(Dia membakar satu loyang kue untuk penjualan kue.)
11. He drank a glass of milk before bedtime.
(Dia minum segelas susu sebelum tidur.)
12. They ate a bowl of soup for lunch.
(Mereka makan sebuah mangkuk sup untuk makan siang.)
13. She bought a jar of honey from the farmer's market.
(Dia membeli satu kaleng madu dari pasar petani.)
14. He caught a school of fish while fishing.
(Dia menangkap sekumpulan ikan saat memancing.)
15. They picked a bushel of apples at the orchard.
(Mereka memetik satu gantang apel di kebun.)
16. She received a packet of seeds for her garden.
(Dia menerima satu bungkus biji untuk kebunnya.)
17. He bought a carton of eggs from the grocery store.
(Dia membeli satu karton telur dari toko kelontong.)
18. They collected a bundle of firewood for the campfire.
(Mereka mengumpulkan satu tumpuk kayu bakar untuk api unggun.)
19. She baked a batch of muffins for breakfast.
(Dia membakar satu set muffin untuk sarapan.)
20. He drank a bottle of water after exercising.
(Dia minum satu botol air setelah berolahraga.)
21. They ate a plate of pasta for dinner.
(Mereka makan sepiring pasta untuk makan malam.)
22. She bought a sack of potatoes from the farmer.
(Dia membeli satu karung kentang dari petani.)
23. He caught a cluster of grapes from the vineyard.
(Dia memetik satu kelompok anggur dari kebun anggur.)
24. They picked a bundle of flowers from the garden.
(Mereka memetik satu ikat bunga dari kebun.)
25. She received a stack of books as a gift.
(Dia menerima satu tumpukan buku sebagai hadiah.)
26. He bought a bundle of carrots from the market.
(Dia membeli satu ikat wortel dari pasar.)
27. They collected a pack of wolves in the wildlife reserve.
(Mereka mengumpulkan satu kelompok serigala di hutan lindung.)
28. She baked a loaf of bread for the family.
(Dia membakar satu loyang roti untuk keluarga.)
29. He drank a glass of wine with dinner.
(Dia minum segelas anggur saat makan malam.)
30. They ate a bowl of ice cream for dessert.
(Mereka makan sebuah mangkuk es krim sebagai pencuci mulut.)
31. She bought a jar of pickles from the grocery store.
(Dia membeli satu kaleng acar dari toko kelontong.)
32. He caught a bundle of fish while fishing.
(Dia menangkap satu ikat ikan saat memancing.)
33. They picked a cluster of berries from the bush.
(Mereka memetik satu kelompok buah beri dari semak.)
34. She received a packet of seeds for her garden.
(Dia menerima satu bungkus biji untuk kebunnya.)
35. He bought a carton of eggs from the farmer's market.
(Dia membeli satu karton telur dari pasar petani.)
36. They collected a bundle of firewood for the bonfire.
(Mereka mengumpulkan satu ikat kayu bakar untuk api unggun.)
37. She baked a batch of cookies for the bake sale.
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