Adalah suatu tenses yang digunakan untk menyatakan suatu tindakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan hingga perbuatan lain terjadi perbuatan atau peristiwa tersebut masih tetap berlangsung. Sebagai contoh ketika seseorang mengucapakan “saya sudah membaca koran selama 3 jam ketika Pak Army datang” mempunyai arti perbuatan membacanya sudah dimulai dari 3 jam yang lalu hingga perbuatan “Pak Army datang” diucapakan, perbuatan membacanya masih tetap berlangsung.
Struktur kalimatnya:
(+) S + had + been + Verb 1 + ing + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(-) S + had + not + been + Verb 1 + ing + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(?)Had + S + been + Verb 1 + ing + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense?
Yes, S + Had
No, S + Had + not
(+)saya sudah membaca koran selama 3 jam ketika Pak Army datang
I had been reading news paper for 3 hours when Mr. Army came
(-)saya belum membaca koran selama 3 jam ketika Pak Army datang
I had not been reading news paper for 3 hours when Mr. Army came
(?) Apakah saya sudah membaca koran selama 3 jam ketika Pak Army datang
Had I been reading news paper for 3 hours when Mr. Army came
Yes, I had
No, I had not
Time Sgnal Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
For…….. when = selama…… ketika
By last……. =menjelang…… yang lalu
By …… yesterday = menjelang kemarin
Berikut adalah 30 contoh kalimat dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense beserta artinya:
1. She had been studying for two hours before her friends called her. (Dia telah sedang belajar selama dua jam sebelum teman-temannya meneleponnya.)
2. By the time I arrived, they had been waiting for me for over an hour. (Saat saya tiba, mereka telah sedang menunggu saya lebih dari satu jam.)
3. He had been working out at the gym for 30 minutes before he realized he forgot his water bottle. (Dia telah sedang berolahraga di gym selama 30 menit sebelum menyadari dia lupa membawa botol airnya.)
4. Before the party started, they had been decorating the house for hours. (Sebelum pesta dimulai, mereka telah sedang mendekorasi rumah selama berjam-jam.)
5. She had been living in New York for five years before she decided to move to Los Angeles. (Dia telah sedang tinggal di New York selama lima tahun sebelum memutuskan untuk pindah ke Los Angeles.)
6. By the time they arrived at the airport, the plane had been waiting on the tarmac for half an hour. (Saat mereka tiba di bandara, pesawat telah sedang menunggu di landasan pacu selama setengah jam.)
7. They had been talking on the phone for hours before they finally reached a decision. (Mereka telah sedang berbicara di telepon selama berjam-jam sebelum akhirnya mencapai keputusan.)
8. Before the concert started, the band had been rehearsing for weeks. (Sebelum konser dimulai, band telah sedang berlatih selama berminggu-minggu.)
9. She had been knitting a sweater for her grandson before she ran out of yarn. (Dia telah sedang merajut sebuah sweater untuk cucunya sebelum habis benang.)
10. By the time they finished the hike, they had been walking for six hours straight. (Saat mereka selesai mendaki, mereka telah sedang berjalan selama enam jam secara terus-menerus.)
11. He had been waiting at the bus stop for half an hour before the bus finally arrived. (Dia telah sedang menunggu di halte bus selama setengah jam sebelum bus akhirnya tiba.)
12. Before the storm hit, the workers had been repairing the roof for several days. (Sebelum badai melanda, para pekerja telah sedang memperbaiki atap selama beberapa hari.)
13. They had been saving money for months before they could afford to go on vacation. (Mereka telah sedang menyimpan uang selama berbulan-bulan sebelum bisa membeli liburan.)
14. By the time he finished his homework, he had been studying for five hours straight. (Saat dia menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya, dia telah sedang belajar selama lima jam secara terus-menerus.)
15. She had been gardening in the backyard for hours before it started raining. (Dia telah sedang berkebun di halaman belakang selama berjam-jam sebelum hujan mulai turun.)
16. Before the guests arrived, she had been cooking in the kitchen all morning. (Sebelum tamu-tamu datang, dia telah sedang memasak di dapur sepanjang pagi.)
17. They had been watching movies all night before they realized it was already morning. (Mereka telah sedang menonton film sepanjang malam sebelum menyadari sudah pagi.)
18. By the time he reached the office, he had been driving in traffic for two hours. (Saat dia sampai di kantor, dia telah sedang mengemudi di tengah kemacetan selama dua jam.)
19. Before the baby was born, they had been preparing the nursery for weeks. (Sebelum bayi lahir, mereka telah sedang mempersiapkan ruang bayi selama berminggu-minggu.)
20. She had been jogging in the park for an hour before she twisted her ankle. (Dia telah sedang berlari di taman selama satu jam sebelum memutar kakinya.)
21. By the time they reached the summit, they had been climbing for eight hours straight. (Saat mereka mencapai puncak, mereka telah sedang mendaki selama delapan jam secara terus-menerus.)
22. Before the festival began, they had been setting up the stage for days. (Sebelum festival dimulai, mereka telah sedang menyiapkan panggung selama berhari-hari.)
23. They had been attending the same school for years before they became friends. (Mereka telah sedang bersekolah di sekolah yang sama selama bertahun-tahun sebelum menjadi teman.)
24. By the time he finished the marathon, he had been running for over four hours. (Saat dia menyelesaikan maraton, dia telah sedang berlari selama lebih dari empat jam.)
25. She had been practicing the piano for hours before her recital. (Dia telah sedang berlatih piano selama berjam-jam sebelum konsernya.)
26. Before they moved to the countryside, they had been living in the city for years. (Sebelum pindah ke pedesaan, mereka telah sedang tinggal di kota selama bertahun-tahun.)
27. They had been renovating the old house for months before they could move in. (Mereka telah sedang merenovasi rumah tua selama berbulan-bulan sebelum bisa pindah.)
28. By the time she woke up, her husband had been snoring loudly for hours. (Saat dia bangun, suaminya telah sedang mendengkur keras selama berjam-jam.)
29. Before the show started, the actors had been rehearsing their lines for weeks. (Sebelum pertunjukan dimulai, para aktor telah sedang mempersiapkan dialog mereka selama berminggu-minggu.)
30. He had been studying English intensively for months before he took the proficiency exam. (Dia telah sedang belajar bahasa Inggris secara intensif selama berbulan-bulan sebelum mengikuti ujian kecakapan.)
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sumber : 16 tenses
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