Adalah suatu tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang baru saja terjadi pada waktu lampau, biasanya dalam kejadian ini terdapat kejadian lain, dimana kalimat pada past perfect tense telah terjadi terlebih dahulu dari pada kejadian yang lain tersebut.
Jika dalam kalimat verbal perbuatannya sudah selesai dikejakan (baru saja) ketika kejadian lain berlangsung.
Jika dalam kalimat nominal maka kejadiannya sudah dimulai waktu lampau namun hingga kejadian lain berlangsung masih terus berlangsung atau masih ada, sebagai contoh ketika seeorang mengucapkan kalimat “saya sudah cantik” maka saat ia mengucapkan kalimat tersebut cantiknya masih tetap ada.
Struktur kalimatnya ada 2 macam:
Kalimat verbal
(+) S + had + Verb 3 + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(-) S + had + not + Verb 3 + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(?)Had + S + Verb 3 + O/C + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense?
Yes, S + had
No, S + had + not
Ada 2 jenis verb yaitu:
Irregular Verb ( verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 tidak beraturan)
Verb 1 : eat
Verb 2 : ate
verb 3 : eaten
Regular Verb ( verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 beraturan dengan menambah “ed” di akhir kata verb 2 dan verb 3)
Verb 1 : play
Verb 2 : played
verb 3 : played
(+) Rudi sudah minum jus apel ketika Riska datang kemarin.
Rudi had drunk apple juice when Riska came yesterday.
(-)Rudi belum minum jus apel ketika Riska datang kemarin.
Rudi had not drunk apple juice when Riska came yesterday.
(?)Apakah Rudi sudah minum jus apel ketika Riska datang kemarin?
Had Rudi drunk apple juice when Riska came yesterday?
Yes, He had
No, He had not
Kalimat Nominal
(+) S + had + been + kata sifat /kata benda/kata keterangan + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(-) S + had + not + been + kata sifat /kata benda/kata keterangan + when + Rumus Simple Past Tense
(?)Had + S + been + kata sifat /kata benda/kata keterangan+ when + Rumus Simple Past Tense?
Yes, S + had
No, S + had
(+) Tatik sudah cantik ketika pacarnya menjemputnya kemarin.
Tatik had been beautiful when her boyfriend picked her yesterday.
(-)Tatik belum cantik ketika pacarnya menjemputnya kemarin.
Tatik had not been beautiful when her boyfriend picked her yesterday.
(?)Apakah Tatik sudah cantik ketika pacarnya menjemputnya kemarin.
Had Tatik been beautiful when her boyfriend picked her yesterday?
Yes, I had
No, I had not
Time Signal of Past Perfect Tense
Past pefect…..before…….past tense
Past tense……after……..past perfect
Past tense., past perfect……before
Past tense ……until…… past perfect
Past tense….. as soon as… past perfect
Past perfect…… when……. Past tense
Berikut adalah 30 contoh kalimat Past Perfect Tense beserta artinya:
1. By the time I arrived at the party, they had already eaten all the cake. (Saat saya tiba di pesta, mereka sudah makan semua kuenya.)
2. She had read the book before she watched the movie adaptation. (Dia sudah membaca bukunya sebelum menonton adaptasi filmnya.)
3. The train had departed by the time we reached the station. (Kereta sudah berangkat saat kami sampai di stasiun.)
4. They had finished their presentation before the clients arrived. (Mereka sudah menyelesaikan presentasinya sebelum klien-klien datang.)
5. He had already bought the tickets before the concert was announced. (Dia sudah membeli tiket sebelum konser diumumkan.)
6. By the time she woke up, her husband had already left for work. (Saat dia bangun, suaminya sudah pergi kerja.)
7. The students had completed their exams by the end of the semester. (Para siswa sudah menyelesaikan ujian mereka pada akhir semester.)
8. Before I moved to this city, I had never experienced such heavy traffic. (Sebelum pindah ke kota ini, saya belum pernah mengalami kemacetan yang begitu parah.)
9. By the time the rescue team arrived, the hikers had already found their way back. (Saat tim penyelamat tiba, para pendaki sudah menemukan jalan pulang.)
10. She had finished her chores before her parents came home. (Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum orang tuanya pulang.)
11. The package had been delivered before I got home. (Paket sudah dikirim sebelum saya sampai di rumah.)
12. By the time he realized his mistake, it was too late to fix it. (Saat dia menyadari kesalahannya, sudah terlambat untuk memperbaikinya.)
13. They had already booked a table at the restaurant before I suggested it. (Mereka sudah memesan meja di restoran sebelum saya menyarankannya.)
14. Before I met him, he had traveled to many countries. (Sebelum saya bertemu dengannya, dia sudah pergi ke banyak negara.)
15. The movie had already started when we arrived at the cinema. (Film sudah mulai ketika kami tiba di bioskop.)
16. She had known about the surprise party before it happened. (Dia sudah tahu tentang pesta kejutan sebelum itu terjadi.)
17. By the time the guests arrived, the host had already prepared all the food. (Saat tamu-tamu datang, tuan rumah sudah menyiapkan semua makanan.)
18. They had already left for the airport when I called to say goodbye. (Mereka sudah pergi ke bandara saat saya menelepon untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal.)
19. Before he became a chef, he had worked in various restaurants. (Sebelum menjadi koki, dia sudah bekerja di berbagai restoran.)
20. The concert had finished by the time we arrived at the venue. (Konser sudah selesai saat kami tiba di tempat acara.)
21. She had already taken a shower before going to bed. (Dia sudah mandi sebelum tidur.)
22. Before the company went bankrupt, it had been profitable for many years. (Sebelum perusahaan bangkrut, itu telah menguntungkan selama bertahun-tahun.)
23. By the time she realized she had forgotten her phone, she was already halfway to work. (Saat dia menyadari dia lupa membawa ponselnya, dia sudah setengah perjalanan ke tempat kerja.)
24. He had studied French before he moved to Paris. (Dia sudah belajar bahasa Perancis sebelum pindah ke Paris.)
25. Before I visited Italy, I had never tasted authentic Italian pizza. (Sebelum saya mengunjungi Italia, saya belum pernah mencicipi pizza Italia asli.)
26. The sun had already set when they arrived at the beach. (Matahari sudah terbenam saat mereka tiba di pantai.)
27. They had already left the party when I arrived. (Mereka sudah pergi dari pesta saat saya tiba.)
28. By the time she realized she had lost her keys, it was too late to go back. (Saat dia menyadari dia kehilangan kuncinya, sudah terlambat untuk kembali.)
29. He had lived in that city for ten years before moving to the countryside. (Dia sudah tinggal di kota itu selama sepuluh tahun sebelum pindah ke pedesaan.)
30. Before he retired, he had worked at the same company for thirty years. (Sebelum pensiun, dia sudah bekerja di perusahaan yang sama selama tiga puluh tahun.)
sumber : 16 tenses
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