Berikut adalah artikel tentang pengertian present perfect continuous tense dan beberapa contohnya:
Pengertian Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Aksi pada tense ini biasanya berdurasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan kondisi sekarang.
Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present perfect continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb have atau has, been dan present participle (-ing). Have digunakan untuk I, you, dan plural subject seperti: plural pronoun (seperti: they, we), plural noun (seperti: boys, men), dan compound subject dengan kata hubung “and” (seperti: you and I, Tom and Jack); sedangkan has untuk singular subject seperti: third person singular pronoun (seperti: he, she, it) dan singular noun (seperti: Tom, man).
Berikut rumus present perfect continuous tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif:
kalimat positif (+):
S + have/has + been + -ing/present participle
"She has been driving."
"The toddlers have been sleeping."
kalimat negatif (-):
S + have/has + not + been + -ing/present participle
"She has not been driving."
"The toddlers haven’t been sleeping."
kalimat interogatif (?):
have/has + S + been + -ing/present participle
"Has she been driving?"
"Have the toddlers been sleeping?"
Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau diikuti relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini (present).
Contoh Kalimat:
"The construction labors are thirsty since they have been removing the scaffoldings."
"Mandy feels full as she’s been eating a half of the tart."
"I have been working with my computer all day, and now I want some delicious foods."
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang telah dimulai di masa lampau dan berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Contoh Kalimat:
"I’ve been driving a car through the rain for an hour."
"The passengers have been waiting for the next flight since this morning."
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang baru saja selesai. Biasanya menggunakan adverb just.
Contoh Kalimat:
"It has just been snowing in Japan."
Dengan memahami pengertian dan contoh-contoh di atas, diharapkan kita dapat lebih memahami menggunakan present perfect continuous tense dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris dengan benar.
Berikut adalah 50 contoh kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense beserta artinya:
1. I have been studying English for two hours. (Saya telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama dua jam.)
2. She has been working at the company since last year. (Dia telah bekerja di perusahaan itu sejak tahun lalu.)
3. He has been playing soccer with his friends all afternoon. (Dia telah bermain sepak bola dengan teman-temannya sepanjang sore.)
4. They have been waiting for the bus for half an hour. (Mereka telah menunggu bus selama setengah jam.)
5. We have been renovating our house for the past month. (Kami telah merenovasi rumah kami selama sebulan terakhir.)
6. The children have been watching cartoons on TV since morning. (Anak-anak itu telah menonton kartun di TV sejak pagi.)
7. She has been learning to cook Italian cuisine lately. (Dia telah belajar memasak masakan Italia belakangan ini.)
8. He has been studying for his exams all week. (Dia telah belajar untuk ujiannya sepanjang minggu.)
9. They have been traveling around Europe for the past two months. (Mereka telah melakukan perjalanan keliling Eropa selama dua bulan terakhir.)
10. We have been working on this project since January. (Kami telah bekerja pada proyek ini sejak Januari.)
11. She has been practicing the piano for hours. (Dia telah berlatih piano selama berjam-jam.)
12. He has been searching for his lost keys everywhere. (Dia telah mencari kuncinya yang hilang di mana-mana.)
13. They have been studying Japanese for the past year. (Mereka telah belajar bahasa Jepang selama setahun terakhir.)
14. We have been waiting for the rain to stop so we can go outside. (Kami telah menunggu hujan berhenti agar kami bisa keluar.)
15. She has been working out at the gym regularly. (Dia telah berolahraga di gym secara teratur.)
16. He has been practicing his guitar skills every day. (Dia telah berlatih keterampilan gitar setiap hari.)
17. They have been volunteering at the local shelter for months. (Mereka telah menjadi relawan di tempat penampungan lokal selama berbulan-bulan.)
18. We have been gardening in our backyard lately. (Kami telah berkebun di halaman belakang kami belakangan ini.)
19. She has been taking care of her sick grandmother all week. (Dia telah merawat neneknya yang sakit sepanjang minggu.)
20. He has been trying to fix his computer for hours. (Dia telah mencoba memperbaiki komputernya selama berjam-jam.)
21. They have been studying for their final exams since last month. (Mereka telah belajar untuk ujian akhir mereka sejak bulan lalu.)
22. We have been saving money for our vacation for the past year. (Kami telah menabung uang untuk liburan kami selama setahun terakhir.)
23. She has been knitting a sweater for her nephew. (Dia telah merajut sweater untuk keponakannya.)
24. He has been writing a novel for months. (Dia telah menulis sebuah novel selama berbulan-bulan.)
25. They have been attending Spanish classes regularly. (Mereka telah mengikuti kelas bahasa Spanyol secara teratur.)
26. We have been watching the birds in the garden all morning. (Kami telah menonton burung-burung di taman sepanjang pagi.)
27. She has been practicing mindfulness meditation daily. (Dia telah berlatih meditasi kesadaran setiap hari.)
28. He has been repairing the roof of his house for weeks. (Dia telah memperbaiki atap rumahnya selama berminggu-minggu.)
29. They have been working on their fitness goals for the past year. (Mereka telah bekerja pada tujuan kebugaran mereka selama setahun terakhir.)
30. We have been cooking dinner together every night. (Kami telah memasak makan malam bersama setiap malam.)
31. She has been volunteering at the local hospital for months. (Dia telah menjadi relawan di rumah sakit lokal selama berbulan-bulan.)
32. He has been jogging in the park every morning. (Dia telah jogging di taman setiap pagi.)
33. They have been learning to dance salsa for weeks. (Mereka telah belajar menari salsa selama berminggu-minggu.)
34. We have been exploring new hiking trails in the mountains. (Kami telah menjelajahi jalur hiking baru di pegunungan.)
35. She has been practicing her presentation skills for her upcoming conference. (Dia telah berlatih keterampilan presentasinya untuk konferensi mendatang.)
36. He has been taking care of his sick cat for days. (Dia telah merawat kucingnya yang sakit selama berhari-hari.)
37. They have been working on their art project for months. (Mereka telah bekerja pada proyek seni mereka selama berbulan-bulan.)
38. We have been studying for our language proficiency exam for weeks. (Kami telah belajar untuk ujian kemampuan bahasa kami selama berminggu-minggu.)
39. She has been practicing yoga every evening. (Dia telah berlatih yoga setiap sore.)
40. He has been fishing at the lake all day. (Dia telah memancing di danau sepanjang hari.)
41. They have been playing board games together every weekend. (Mereka telah bermain permainan papan bersama setiap akhir pekan.)
42. We have been attending cooking classes for months. (Kami telah mengikuti kelas memasak selama berbulan-bulan.)
43. She has been teaching English to children for years. (Dia telah mengajar bahasa Inggris kepada anak-anak selama bertahun-tahun.)
44. He has been practicing his martial arts skills every evening. (Dia telah berlatih keterampilan bela dirinya setiap sore.)
45. They have been working on their garden project for weeks. (Mereka telah bekerja pada proyek taman mereka selama berminggu-minggu.)
46. We have been studying the behavior of birds in the park. (Kami telah mempelajari perilaku burung-burung di taman.)
47. She has been knitting a blanket for her newborn baby. (Dia telah merajut selimut untuk bayinya yang baru lahir.)
48. He has been training for the marathon for months. (Dia telah berlatih untuk maraton selama berbulan-bulan.)
49. They have been renovating their kitchen for weeks. (Mereka telah merenovasi dapur mereka selama berminggu-minggu.)
50. We have been practicing our presentation skills for the past month.
Sumber: Wordsmile
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