Hello friend, welcome to the blog - Sumajiedukasi.blogspot.com, in this article the admin will discuss, do good, don't wait for rich.
Basically wealth is everyone's hope, but if you have a poor person, do you have to wait for the rich first and then do good?
Doing things basically can be done by everyone including small children. Do you know that small children who sometimes don't understand currency values sometimes help their friends.
It cannot be denied, that not every poor person is stingy. There are tablets ... People who are in trouble but want to help others.
Helps as much as possible.
Prayer is also a moral aid for the affected person. So, when you pray for others sincerely it also helps them.
Especially if you help the affected. Either the funds, goods or services certainly help them.
My mother said: "Help other people, someday if God willing, it will help others".
Although, simple words. But it is meaningful.
Of course, if we help others, we must be sincere. Starting from a simple little thing, the Prophet said: "As good as humans are useful".
Let's do good to others. After all, life is only temporary, nothing that is eternal and eternal except God Almighty.
Polularity can be dim, rich can be poor, healthy can be sick. Use the best time to help and help others.
Rest assured that God will reward goodness.
"There is still time "
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