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Price : $199.99 Yamaha Acoustic Guitar Bundle with Hardshell Case, Tuner, Strap, Strings, Austin Bazaar Instructional DVD, Picks, and Polishing Cloth - Natural on Amazon


The number one brand for students, Yamaha acoustic guitars are perfect for beginners. Yamaha acoustic guitars are manufactured with high standards of quality, unlike the many generic instruments cluttering the marketplace today. They offer a pleasant learning experience, not just in terms of their acoustic qualities but also in terms of playability. This particular bundle includes the Yamaha F325 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar, which boasts a spruce top, rosewood fretboard, and chrome tuners. The bundle also includes a hardshell case, clip-on tuner, strap, extra strings, Austin Bazaar instructional DVD, picks, and polishing cloth. These are all essential accessories for acoustic guitar, so save yourself the additional shopping and get everything you need in one package. This bundle includes everything you need to start playing right out of the box.
Top: Laminated Spruce
Back & Sides: Meranti
Neck: Nato
Fingerboard: Rosewood
Bridge: Rosewood
Tuners: Die-cast Chrome
Body Style: Dreadnought
Pick Guard: Tortoise-shell
String Scale: 25"
Body Depth: 3 3/4" - 4 9/16"
Nut Width: 1 11/16"
Color: Natural
Finish: Gloss
Warranty: Limited Lifetime

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The guitar is a musical instrument classified as a fretted string instrument with anywhere from four to 18 strings, usually having six.[citation needed] The sound is projected either acoustically, using a hollow wooden or plastic and wood box (for an acoustic guitar), or through electrical amplifier and a speaker (for an electric guitar). It is typically played by strumming or plucking the strings with the fingers, thumb or fingernails of the right hand or with a pick while fretting (or pressing against the frets) the strings with the fingers of the left hand. The guitar is a type of chordophone, traditionally constructed from wood and strung with either gut, nylon or steel strings and distinguished from other chordophones by its construction and tuning. The modern guitar was preceded by the gittern, the vihuela, the four-course Renaissance guitar, and the five-course baroque guitar, all of which contributed to the development of the modern six-string instrument.

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