Trauma comes from Greek which means wound (Cerney, in pikett, 1998). The word trauma is used to describe the event or situation experienced by the victim. Traumatic events or experiences will be experienced differently from one individual to another, so that everyone will have a different reaction when dealing with traumatic events. [1] Traumatic experience is an event that is experienced or witnessed by an individual, who threatens safety of himself (Lobergan, 1999). Therefore, it is a natural thing when a person experiences shock both physically and emotionally as a stress reaction to the traumatic event. Sometimes this aftershock effect only takes a few hours, liver or even weeks. Individual responses are generally in fear, helplessness, or horror. Symptoms that appear depend on how severe the event is. Likewise the way individuals deal with the crisis will depend also on their history and past experience. [2]
Mental injury or sometimes also called trauma can occur in all human beings, including ourselves. When it reaches adulthood, the ability to deal with mental wounds will be more complete and complete, so that mental injuries that occur can heal quickly or even heal completely. Whether we realize it or not our souls that are formed into adulthood today are filled with injuries that occur when we are young or teenagers. The period is very vulnerable because a young child has not been equipped with the perfect ability to treat mental injuries experienced.
Trauma is a mental event or abnormal behavior as a result of mental stress or physical injury. In addition trauma can also be interpreted as a wound caused by external factors, souls arising from traumatic events. Traumatic events can occur, persist in the long term, or repeatedly experienced by sufferers. Psychological trauma also results from physical trauma or without any physical trauma. The causes of psychological trauma include sexual harassment, violence, threats or disasters. However, not all of these causes have the same effect on each person. There are people who can overcome this problem and there are also those who cannot control their emotions and memories of events experienced.
Reference :
Mental injury or sometimes also called trauma can occur in all human beings, including ourselves. When it reaches adulthood, the ability to deal with mental wounds will be more complete and complete, so that mental injuries that occur can heal quickly or even heal completely. Whether we realize it or not our souls that are formed into adulthood today are filled with injuries that occur when we are young or teenagers. The period is very vulnerable because a young child has not been equipped with the perfect ability to treat mental injuries experienced.
Trauma is a mental event or abnormal behavior as a result of mental stress or physical injury. In addition trauma can also be interpreted as a wound caused by external factors, souls arising from traumatic events. Traumatic events can occur, persist in the long term, or repeatedly experienced by sufferers. Psychological trauma also results from physical trauma or without any physical trauma. The causes of psychological trauma include sexual harassment, violence, threats or disasters. However, not all of these causes have the same effect on each person. There are people who can overcome this problem and there are also those who cannot control their emotions and memories of events experienced.
Reference :
Ahmad Juntika Nurihsan, Strategi layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling , Bandung : PT
Refika Aditama, 2009, hlm.34
[2] Ketut sukardi, pengantar pelaksanaan
Program bimbingan dan konseling disekolah, Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta, 2000,
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