Hello friend, welcome to my blog sumajiedukasi.blogspot.com Selling is a way to get money easily, but not every person has the ability to trade. At an event when I was on campus, as usual students are sometimes used to multi-level marketing, or some kind of selling other products outside of college. Know no friend, sell has the right technique, suddenly there is a drug offer, business offers that are not yet known. Therefore, customers are reluctant to buy a certain product because they do not know the product specifications with details, both safety, authenticity and efficacy. Why is a product difficult to sell? A product is difficult to sell because consumers do not know the product, besides that the product is not needed by consumers, obviously consumers even though explained as detailed as possible for hours still do not want to buy because they do not need the product. How to sell products effectively? Selling products that are easier and more effective is selling...
Situs edukasi belajar bahasa Inggris dan tips-tips seputar kerja remote ( work from Home) terutama di bidang IT seperti web developer, programer, upwork, freelancer, fiverr, shutterstock, google AdSense dll.