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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Important tips in doing Thesis

Hello friend, this time I share a little important tips when you are doing on a thesis. Well, thesis is a very important student's final assignment, because what? Because students can be declared graduated after completing their thesis. The following important points are tips so that you can complete your tasks faster. 1. Expand friend relations Why is this important, make sure you don't miss information about the thesis, the schedule starts the thesis title registration, the announcement of the proposal testing, the lecturer handpone number. Usually a lot of info is obtained from friends. 2. Actively seeking information Well, this is a very important thing. For example, you finish the thesis. You have to know, the campus provides information about the munaqosah congregation, on the lane or on the website. So, as students, they must be more active in finding information from friends. 3. Start removing activities other than thesis Solid activities are indeed th...

How to motivate yourself to be passionate about working on thesis thesis

Hello blogger friend ... As students, sometimes we can be bored in facing the campus final exam, which is a thesis. When you are browsing, about ways to motivate yourself, to be passionate about doing your thesis. Maybe you are saturated and need enthusiasm. Yes.... Try to convince yourself, you can complete your task well. Try to see, your friends. You can do it too. Stop complaining. Keep trying and struggle as best you can. Everything will never be as difficult as what you think. All, will succeed, run easily. Don't forget to pray. Remember that "God is with you at any time". "O God, give ease. Amen" Continue to pray and do your thesis. :) "believe me, God gives you help and makes it easy for you every way" Amin.

cara membayar tagihan listrik pln dengan mudah

Haloo...  Sobat blogger... Apakah kalian sudah tau tentang Untuk kalian yang belum tau,  saya beri tahu... adalah situs affiliate,  dimana sobat bisa dengan mudah membayar tagihan pln bulanan rumah sobat.  Bisa juga bayar speedy, kartu kredit, pdam dll.  Sebenarnya, merupakan situs yang cukup lama dalam membuat program di dunia bayar - membayar tagihan bulanan.  Nah,  klo sobat misalnya males mondar,  mandir beli pulsa,  bayar listrik,  pdam.  Bisa nih,  menggunakan program ini.  Sobat tinggal daftar,  kunjungi aja link ->  sobat tinggal daftar,  isi saldo,  bisa deh buat traksaksi.  Oya,  ada aplikasinya juga -> playstrore Ya  . .. Semoga bisa membantu..  Setelah sobat mendaftar klo,  mau traksaksi misalnya beli pulsa,  bisa juga lewat sms.  Untuk lebih...

Ayo gabung belajar bahasa inggris bareng di telegram (join English club fans telegram )

Halo everybody Are you interested join "English Club fans" telegram? Join click this link -> We can learn and sharing English. Hello guys, if you join our group , please don't spamming . Read The rules group! ---------- Ayo gabung, komunitas belajar bahasa inggris bareng di telegram. Yesterday, I have created "English Club fans " on telegram. You can join my group to practice speaking, writing and talking. Okay Jangan lupa klik tautan di atas okay. :) I hope group "English Club fans " Can help you to improve your English skill. :)) Grup Facebook : Join us.